Get to know me!

With the name Abigail Williams, I am obviously more than willing to be in the Crucible at the drop of a hat. I am a music theatre artist and hospitality entrepreneur originally from Nashville, TN. As a May 2024 graduate from Lipscomb University, I received a B.A. in Hospitality Management and B.F.A.’s in Music Theatre and Acting.

I believe that art keeps the world moving. Stories connect us. They teach us, entertain us, and make us feel things we never knew we were capable of feeling. Storytelling has been apart of human nature since the beginning of mankind. Stories withstand time. That is why I never understood the frustration of my parents when I told them I wanted to be an actor. I thought they would be happy I was joining such a timeless profession… nonetheless, it has all I’ve ever wanted to do.

Having wrapped up the 2024 season at the Cumberland County Playhouse, I just made the move up to NYC for audition season. So if you see a gal walking around with cowboy boots on and a confused expression, wave and say “hi” because it’s probably me and I’m probably lost.

Some career dreams of mine are to:

  • sing on stage with miss Dolly Parton

  • perform Shakespeare at the Globe

  • be directed by Steven Speilberg

  • be in an original Broadway cast

  • get to act with fake blood!! (I would kill to play Carrie;)

If you or someone you know is willing and able to make these dreams come true. Feel free to can contact me here.

“A motto that I have always lived by is ‘to thine own self be true,’ it was good enough for Shakespeare and it’s good enough for me.”

-Dolly Parton